New phones from Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Nokia; Apple iPhone SE to be made in India and other top tech news

New phones from Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Nokia; Apple iPhone SE to be made in India and other top tech news

9312 984050 - New phones from Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Nokia; Apple iPhone SE to be made in India and other top tech news9312 - New phones from Oppo, Vivo, Xiaomi, Nokia; Apple iPhone SE to be made in India and other top tech news

Amazon looks set to rival the likes of Apple, Fitbit as it unveiled its fitness band called Halo. Halo is unlike another fitness tracker/band in the market as it doesn’t have a display. “Amazon Halo Band is purpose-built to focus on your health and wellness—unlike smartwatches and fitness trackers, it doesn’t have a screen or constant notifications,” said the company in a blog post launching Halo.

Instead of a screen, it has a small sensor capsule designed to deliver accurate fitness data. It also has an accelerometer, a temperature sensor, a heart rate monitor, two microphones, an LED indicator light, and a button to turn the microphones on or off, among other functions. Click here for the full story.

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