Coming Home

And I’ve had reminders. Many times over. My father wrote a book on the psychological effects of cancer, and I listened for years as he counseled some of the most powerful people in the world on their journey through their diagnosis. So, I was well versed in the knowledge that our emotions and thoughts shape […]

Why 2016 Wasn’t All Bad: Looking Back At The Breakthroughs For Women In Politics

While she may have not become the first woman President she will always be, as my little sister says, “the first woman president in our hearts.” For her, and all of the young girls in the world, Hillary’s candidacy represented more than just history, but their endless potential to reach for their highest dreams. As […]

Listen To Emma Watson Sing In ‘Beauty And The Beast’

Instagram user, and apparent superfan of the upcoming movie, @beautyandthebeastmovienews found a Belle doll that features Watson’s singing voice. Then, just a few days later, “Beauty and the Beast” co-producer Jack Morrissey confirmed that the song ― titled “Something There” ― is from the movie by reposting an excited fan’s write-up of the toy’s audio.

Looking Back: Positive Childfree Trends In 2016

In 2012, Laura Scott, author of Two is Enough, pioneered film discussion of the childfree choice and couples who make it in her documentary, The Childless by Choice Project. Since then, more films about the childfree have been released or are in the pipeline.

Watch These Brave Souls Play ‘Never Have I Ever’ With Their Parents

In the BuzzFeed video above, brave parents and their grown children put each other on the spot, answering questions about drug use, skinny dipping and porn.

HBO To Premiere Doc About Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds Within Days

“The story of a family’s complicated love, this documentary is an intimate portrait of Hollywood royalty in all its eccentricity,” HBO said in a release. “Carrie Fisher and her mother, Debbie Reynolds, live in the same Beverly Hills compound. The 83-year-old grand dame still has a Las Vegas act, but performing is taking its toll. […]

If You Have A Bad Relationship With New Year’s Eve, You’re Not Alone

New Year’s Eve, you’re always promising great things. And that’s fine for you, since I’m spending all the money and doing all the planning. By the end of the night, it’s pretty clear that nothing has changed, and we keep falling into the same traps we always do.

Pharrell’s Singing Partner Caught On Tape In Homophobic Rant

In the video, which was uploaded to YouTube on Friday, Burrell, a pastor at the Love Liberty Fellowship Church in Houston, is seen issuing an unambiguously homophobic rant to the audience. “I came to tell you about sin,” Burrell says.

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