Kamala Harris shares pics with mom; reveals the advice she always follows

Kamala Harris shares pics with mom; reveals the advice she always follows

9312 984050 - Kamala Harris shares pics with mom; reveals the advice she always follows9312 - Kamala Harris shares pics with mom; reveals the advice she always follows

US Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris recently took to Instagram and said that “over the next week before inauguration, I’ll be sharing the people, places, and moments that have had an influence on my life. Stay tuned.”

Harris then went on to share the first set of images from the series, which comprised pictures from her childhood with her mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris and sister Maya Harris. Kamala, the first person of South Asian descent to reach the top post in US politics, said that her parents came to America in pursuit of a dream for themselves and their two children.

“Born in Oakland, I was raised by my mother Shyamala Gopalan Harris, one of the few women of color to have a position as a scientist at the University of California, Berkeley. She was all of five feet, but if you ever met her you would think she was seven feet tall. It’s because of her that I was raised in a community where we were taught to see a world beyond just ourselves. To be conscious and compassionate about the struggles of all people,” the 56-year-old captioned the post.

While the first picture features her as a baby being fed milk by her mother, the second is a collage of two photos of the siblings, and the third features the sisters with their mother holding hands.

While Kamala’s father was from Jamaica, her mother was from India.

She added: “My mother always used to say, “don’t sit around and complain about things, do something.” I’ve tried to follow that advice every day and live by the example she set,” she mentioned.

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