Healthy eating: This gluten-free, vegan recipe can be whipped up in a jiffy

Healthy eating: This gluten-free, vegan recipe can be whipped up in a jiffy

9312 984050 - Healthy eating: This gluten-free, vegan recipe can be whipped up in a jiffy9312 - Healthy eating: This gluten-free, vegan recipe can be whipped up in a jiffy

Have leftovers in your fridge and don’t know what to do with them? To solve your problem, we have an extremely delicious and perfect weeknight dinner idea for you — Hummus stuffed sweet potato!

This recipe can be prepared with leftovers and can be paired with any of the main dishes.

The recipe by nutritionist Nmami Agarwal is perfect if you are bored of eating sweet potato in traditional preparations. Tonight, try sweet potato along with bean and kale drizzled with hummus dressing.

“This delicious gluten-free and vegan meal is very easy to prepare and has many health benefits,” she said.

Take a look:

Nutritional benefits:

Sweet potatoes are rich in fibre and antioxidants which are beneficial for relieving constipation, and gut health. Kale is a healthy green that is rich in vitamin K, calcium, and iron. The antioxidants present in kale help in removing toxins and the calcium and phosphorus help in bone development.


40 grams – Sweet potato
30 grams – Kale
10 grams – Black beans
15 grams – Hummus


*Take a clean sweet potato and prick it all over with a fork.
*Microwave it for 10 minutes or until cooked.
*Wash kale and chop it.
*Heat some water in a skillet and add the kale along with beans.
*Cover the skillet and cook for about 2-3 minutes.
*Now split open the sweet potato and top it with the bean kale mixture and some hummus for the dressing and some water if required.
*Serve it along with some extra hummus or grilled veggies.

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