’36 hours without gadgets is refreshing’: Milind Soman on how he keeps stress at bay

’36 hours without gadgets is refreshing’: Milind Soman on how he keeps stress at bay

9312 984050 - ’36 hours without gadgets is refreshing’: Milind Soman on how he keeps stress at bay9312 - ’36 hours without gadgets is refreshing’: Milind Soman on how he keeps stress at bay

Many people have been experiencing a tremendous amount of stress — mental and physical — amid pandemic. While it can be difficult to stay away from the news, a digital detox – even for a short while – can help you unwind and rejuvenate.

It is not just us, actor and fitness aficionado Milind Soman, 54, who recently recovered from COVID 19, also shared that his fitness mantra involves going gadget-free once a week.

“Sunday is now designated as no phone day. 36 hours without any gadgets is refreshing! And stress-free. Stress is known to weaken the immune system, so try to stay away from things that stress you out unnecessarily,” he said.

Experts have often mentioned how stress and gadgets go hand in hand. They also suggest one should try and keep gadgets away one hour before bedtime to aid in sleep and keep fit.

Soman, whose fitness philosophy revolves around making use of nearby surroundings and things to keep fit, also used a watermelon to do some simple weight exercises.

He mentioned, “Along with stress management, a little bit of exercise and simple food go a long way to keep you healthy and your immune system strong.”

If you don’t have weights at home, you can make use of simple things like heavy fruits or buckets to workout at home.

In an earlier interview to indianexpress.com, certified fitness expert Sameeran Chetia said, “Adding weights always helps as it increases the resistance and intensity of the workout. Instead of a bucket, people can also use a school bag as one can wear it and do the workout. However, one needs to make sure that they maintain a good posture otherwise it might lead to injury.”

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