11 Grown-Ups Describe Learning the Birds and the Bees in a Sentence

Learning about sex might be the quintessential rite of passage. The moment we understand the frankly off-putting way babies are made is the moment all our imaginary friends are replaced with the beginnings of our first wrinkles. It’s our collective loss of innocence! Our common entry-point into knowing shit. It’s step one on the road to being a big cranky kid who’s sexually frustrated and rude to their mom.

It’s also hilarious. Because sex is super weird and I still think it’s super weird even after all these years. Having to explain it to a kid sounds horrifying, particularly because — as evidenced above — they’ll probably never forget it. I asked 11 grown-up kids from team MR and beyond to tell me about how their birds and bees went down and collected them in the above slideshow.

No spoilers, but the number of video tapes involved genuinely surprised me. Where was my tape!? Did you have a tape? Tell us your story in the comments!

Collage by Emily Zirimis.

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