Apple has been reported to work on several AI features with the iOS 18 update. Over the past few months, the company was also reported to be in talks with leading companies such as Google, OpenAI, and Baidu to leverage their AI technology for Apple’s upcoming devices. Now, a new rumour claims that Apple is developing its in-house large language model (LLM) to bring generative AI features. This move is expected to support the company’s privacy commitments. Know what Apple analysts said about the brewing company’s plans.
Apple’s in-house LLM coming soon
According to Mark Gurman’s report, Apple may be developing its own LLM to support the speculated generative AI features. This means that the AI features will run on-device and not on cloud services. Gurman said, “all indications suggest that it will be entirely on-device. That means the technology is powered by the processor inside the iPhone, rather than in the cloud.” However, there is also a catch, it is speculated that Apple’s AI tools may be less powerful or capable of doing complex tasks than other leading cloud-based rivals. But to refine its services, the company may leverage the technology from other AI providers such as Google to bring top-notch AI strategy to the market.
Apple is planning for on-device AI features to provide faster services and maintain their privacy. Additionally, the company is expected to focus on how the upcoming AI features and tools will help users in conducting their day-to-day tasks. More about the company’s AI goals will be revealed at the Worldwide Developers Conference which is scheduled for June 10. During the event, the company is expected to unveil the iOS 18, major software upgrades and AI features which will give us a clear picture of what may come to the iPhone 16 models.
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Note that the above-mentioned information is based on speculation, therefore, we must wait until June to confirm what Apple has been planning all this time and if the rumours are true.
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