Apple is expected to launch its next-generation smartwatch along with its iPhone 16 models in Septemeber. The latest renders of the upcoming Apple Watch X (Series 10) models have now been leaked on the internet. The renders confirmed a previous rumour that claimed that the Cupertino-based tech giant may use a new magnetic band mechanism to increase the battery capacity of the Apple Watch X models.
Apple Watch X improvements: What to expect
Earlier, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman claimed that the Apple Watch X may feature a thinner case and a new mechanism that may use magnets to attach the bands to the timepiece.
The current method of attaching the bands includes sliding the end of the band into a slot on the top and bottom of the timepiece. This slot takes up enough room inside the device to prevent Apple from adding a larger cell and increase the battery life of the Apple Watch.
The latest renders show how the band may wrap around a “handle” which is expected to be placed at the top and bottom of the watch. Using the “handle” is expected not to cut out any grooves at the top or bottom which should leave more room inside the watch module for a larger battery.
Previous rumours also predicted that the company may replace the OLED panels and use a microLED display for the Apple Watch X. However, this may not happen yet.
The Apple Watch X is expected to feature slimmer bezels and its OLED panel may be even brighter and more power efficient than its predecessor. The Apple Watch X will likely offer the best battery life ever seen on an Apple Watch.
The upcoming smartwatch is also rumoured to feature a new blood pressure monitor that may warn users if their readings are too high or too low.
Apple Watch X improvements: What to expect
Earlier, Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman claimed that the Apple Watch X may feature a thinner case and a new mechanism that may use magnets to attach the bands to the timepiece.
The current method of attaching the bands includes sliding the end of the band into a slot on the top and bottom of the timepiece. This slot takes up enough room inside the device to prevent Apple from adding a larger cell and increase the battery life of the Apple Watch.
The latest renders show how the band may wrap around a “handle” which is expected to be placed at the top and bottom of the watch. Using the “handle” is expected not to cut out any grooves at the top or bottom which should leave more room inside the watch module for a larger battery.
Previous rumours also predicted that the company may replace the OLED panels and use a microLED display for the Apple Watch X. However, this may not happen yet.
The Apple Watch X is expected to feature slimmer bezels and its OLED panel may be even brighter and more power efficient than its predecessor. The Apple Watch X will likely offer the best battery life ever seen on an Apple Watch.
The upcoming smartwatch is also rumoured to feature a new blood pressure monitor that may warn users if their readings are too high or too low.
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