Out of these 17.48 lakh applications, as on January 28, 2025, demand notices i.e. intimation to members to deposit balance amounts for higher pension eligibility, have been issued in 1,65,621 cases and 21,885 Pension Payment Orders (PPO) have been issued, the minister informed the House. The disposal of the outstanding cases is being closely monitored and clarifications to Field Offices to dispose cases have been issued to expedite the process, she stated.
The cases of Pension on Higher Wages are being processed on the basis of the decision of the Supreme Court on November 4, 2022. A Functionality was developed by EPFO for filing online applications for validation/joint option. The online facility was extended to members/pensioners/employers on February 26, 2023 which was extended till July 11, 2023. The date for employers for forwarding the joint application for higher pension was extended till September 30, 2023 and subsequently till May 31, 2024. Further, a last chance was provided to all employers to forward the applications for pension on higher wages by January 31, 2025.
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Original news source Credit: www.goodreturns.in
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